Workshop: Stress Management with the Alexander Technique
By Dalia Jasiukeviciene
Brussels: 24 January 2018
Stress is a natural and important part of our lives. It is the mental or emotional state that results from dealing with our life circumstances. In other words, if we are alive, we experience stress.
In most cases, stress is a good thing. Stress can initiate reactions to stimuli or make us stronger. The problem comes when we have too much stress, when stress “takes over” our lives.
One of the most common expressions of stress is muscular tension. Again, there are a lot of good reasons for tensing our muscles – things like moving around or lifting something, etc. But sometimes we start tensing our muscles when it cannot help us. Or we cannot figure out how to stop tensing our muscles once our task is finished. And, sometimes, we don’t even know that we are tensing our muscles until we start to feel pain, strain or fatigue.
Most of us believe that if we have a problem, we would have to learn to DO
something new to solve it. But there is an easier way.
What would happen if
we would just STOP DOING the thing that is causing our problem?
In this workshop, Dalia will present a short introduction to the Alexander Technique in relation to stress management. She will explain the main ways we misuse our muscles in activity. Then, in the practical part of the workshop, through discussion and the gentle use of hand techniques, she will work with volunteers to help them learn how to manage their unnecessary muscular tensions.
About Dalia
As a result of her training and experience as a therapist, focus-group moderator, and an Alexander Technique teacher, Dalia believes that we are wonderfully made and already have everything we need within us to be successful. She is passionate to share how, through the use of appropriate methods, people can continuously improve their well-being and come closer to reaching their own potential.
Currently, her favorite method for personal development and performance enhancement is the Alexander Technique. Having completed the four-year ITM Teacher Training Course in Bristol, she teaches the Alexander Technique, privately and in group workshops, in UK, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania and Belgium. She is constantly maintaining her continuing professional development by having supervisions and by attending the ITM Training Course in the UK to become a trainer of teachers of the Alexander Technique.
She is a member of Commission of Psychologists of Belgium (COMPSY) and the ITM Alexander Technique Teachers Association (ITMTA).
Practical Information
When? Wednesday, 24 January 2018 from 18h45-21h00
Where? Timesmore Boulevard St Michel 47, 1040 Brussels
Public transport: Metro: Montgomery; Tram: Boileau
See map below or here...
How much? A contribution of €12 to cover expenses including materials, drinks, snacks, etc.
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Want to come?
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- Jeffrey B
- Andy W
- Dalia J
- Lisa Marie S
- Claire S
- Carolyn M
- Anne-SFophie H
- Agne G
- Valbona Z
- Hann Y
- Tony Z
- Frans N
- Lars S
- Francesca F
- Monika C
- Inge Y
- Diana S
- Jana G *
- Valentina C *
- Grace G *
- Ana-Sophie H **
- Alexander N **
- Helena F **
- Jurgita J **
- Ulrike W **
- Diana J **
- Dennis E **
- Ingrid K **
- Colette V **
- Agne V **
- Katrijn D **
- Kor D
- Alexander H **
- Sarah S **
- Cheremnikh I **
* Registered on Facebook
** Registered as "Interested" on Facebook which, in practice, means they probably won't come. But we appreciate their enthusiasm and support nonetheless.
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