Decision Making Inside Out
By Ruth Friedman
Brussels: 9 May 2018
Have you ever said 'yes' to someone when you meant to say 'no'?
Have you ever bought something that you actually don't like and will never use?
Do you ever have an inner conflict when you need to make a choice about something?
Imagine that, just like in the movie 'Inside Out', you have characters running around inside your head trying to help you to make the big and small decisions that you face every day. If only you knew which characters were at play and what they wanted to achieve for you!
In this experimental workshop we will explore this imaginary world inside our heads. You will have the chance to get acquainted with some of your inner characters and to understand what (or more accurately, who) is at play when you have a decision to make. This workshop is inspired by the Voice Dialogue approach. Come along to the workshop to find out more!
You will get more out of the workshop if you bring a recent or current decision that you would like to explore.
About Ruth Friedman
Ruth is a well-being counsellor and an intercultural coach who has recently trained as a Voice Dialogue facilitator. She is passionate about personal and professional development and is informed by her own life-long journey of self discovery and awakening. It is the wish to share these gifts that motivates her work. She has been running workshops since 1998.
You can find more information about Ruth and her work on her website
Practical Information
When? Wednesday, 9 May 2018 from 18h45-21h00
Where? Timesmore Boulevard St Michel 47, 1040 Brussels
Public transport: Metro: Montgomery; Tram: Boileau
See map below or here...
How much? A contribution of €12 to cover expenses including materials, drinks, snacks, etc.
Please share this event on social media!
Want to come?
Please reply to your invitation e-mail or follow this link to sign up for for this workshop.
- Andy W
- Jeffrey B
- Ruth R
- Bruno V
- Anne-Sophie H
- Carolyn M
- Peter W
- Barbara F
- Grace G *
- Hugo D *
- Camilia D **
- Rich B **
- Clea C **
- Diana S **
- Bruno D **
- Nathalie F **
- Juliyana S **
- Monika C **
- Lenka G **
- Alexander H **
- Megan B **
- Rozina S **
* Registered on Facebook
** Registered as "Interested" on Facebook which, in practice, means they probably won't come. But we appreciate their enthusiasm and support nonetheless.
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12 March 2025: workshop: Menopause at Work by Nina Noorali
26 March 2025: Workshop: Everyday Mindfulness by Laura Franceschin
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