You are warmly welcome to join us at the Imagination Club on Wednesday, 12 February 2014 at 18h45 for an interactive, experimental workshop on: The Power of the Sixth SenseBy Olga GuyThis is an original, modern and creative project that brings together violin performance and an introduction to the power of the sixth sense. Deeply in tune with our time, it aims to bring a new vision of ourselves and our world. The unique sense and the supreme logic of life is prosperity and abundance. The universe is abundance and prosperity without limits. So why ignore its laws and not follow them? Every human being on this earth is born gifted to develop his energetic, creative, spiritual and sensual potential. Regardless of the location, circumstances, race or language, all human beings are an expression of the same universal law which is prosperity, joy and love. What prevents us from accepting this gift of the universe and enjoying it? Why is there such a difference of 'chances' in life created by our societies? Who imposes on us our 'reality' and our imaginary limitations? And why should we accept it as our reality and our limitations if they are only the imagination of others? Olga Guy invites you to enjoy this gift of the universe to develop your talents and use your power of imagination, your 6th sense in order to prosper without limits. Olga's project is based on the universal methods proved by the extraordinary personalities from 20-21st centuries worldwide. The purpose of this project is to help you to reconnect to the inexhaustible source of universal energy and rediscover yourself as creators and master of your own life, beyond the pressure of everyday life, live fully in the creation of the present moment, unconditionally and without delay, discover the miracle of life, success and prosperity without limits. Music is a universal language. Love is a universal healer. Water is a universal solvent. The violin is an instrument with a soul and a voice close to the human voice. It guides us to the universal source of our soul. In life, the harmony between the soul and the body would not be possible if the connection with the universe was broken. Music is both a human and universal language, without words, and one of the best therapies Meditation with the soul of the violin leads us on a journey to dialogue with the universe to find inner peace and eternal sources of life such as love, trust, hope, faith and creativity. About Olga Olga Guy is a violinist, Artiste in Residence at EDIFICIO and President & Artistic Director of PROMUSICART. You can learn more about her work and her performances via her web site. A special thanks to Tipik for donating a meeting space for us!
RSVPPlease reply to your invitation e-mail or follow this link to sign up for for this workshop.
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