Daniel Mouqué and Carsten Wendt
Workshop: How to Use Audience Psychology to Give Inspiring Presentations
By Carsten Wendt and Daniel Mouqué
Brussels: 14 June 2017
From information dump to natural communication: Using audience psychology to make your presentation resonate and inspire.
When giving a presentation, have you ever felt that you are just saying words without touching your audience at a deeper level? We know that good communication speaks not just to the head but also to the heart. But how in practice do you do you that?
In this workshop, Carsten and Daniel will share concrete tools for building a presentation that appeals to the head but also uplifts the heart.
To get the most out of the workshop, come with a rough idea for your next presentation.
About Carsten and Daniel
Carsten and Daniel are seasoned speakers. They are champions at Toastmasters, the world's largest public speaking club where they have won several awards across different speech styles. As a team and individually, they are passionate about coaching others, helping people to speak not just from their heads but also from their hearts.
Practical Information
When? Wednesday, 14 June 2017 from 18h45-21h00
Where? Timesmore Boulevard St Michel 47, 1040 Brussels
Public transport: Metro: Montgomery; Tram: Boileau
See map below or here...
How much? A contribution of €12 to cover expenses including materials, drinks, snacks, etc.
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Want to come?
Please reply to your invitation e-mail or follow this link to sign up for for this workshop.
- Jeffrey B
- Andy W
- Carsten W
- Daniel M
- Tania A
- Jennifer O
- Ruth F
- Christiani A
- Clemens M
- + Guest
- Tina O
- Gina S
- Marilys C
- Frans N
- Margaret L
- + Guest
- Benedicte N
- Zlatimira B *
- Helena F *
- Olivier D **
- Grace G **
- Dennis E **
- Clea C **
- Monica D **
- Daisy T **
- Benoit W **
- Sascha S **
- Claudia F **
- Maximo O **
- Sarah S**
* Registered on Facebook
** Registered as "Interested" on Facebook which, in practice, means they probably won't come. But we appreciate their enthusiasm and support nonetheless.
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