Workshop: If It Walks Like a Duck and Talks Like a Duck, It Is Likely a Duck
By Sheldon Poujade
Brussels: 9 October 2019
Critical thinking is relevant to how we make, and help others to make, informed decisions. It is also relevant to how we rationalise a conversational topic or the content of an interesting news article.
At times, we may instinctively feel that what a speaker has said, or an author has written, is the same as stating that,“2+2=5”. It "feels" illogical, but we may consider ourselves lacking the prerequisite knowledge of the topic to pursue a sensible line of questioning. We will refer to that inner instinct as “Common sense” for the purpose of this workshop. Common sense explains the title of the talk. We will touch on a variety of human made systems, for example marketing, finance and economics from a practical everyday perspective. Together, we will explore how giving a little space to common sense can guide our thinking effectively.
In this workshop, you can expect to...
- be exposed to a few of the methods, used in marketing, that are intended to subconsciously “silence" our common sense.
- learn some of the elements of understanding a market, for a product or service, through the application of common sense. This may be relevant to understanding the companies where we currently work or the launch or development of our own business projects.
- learn that what appears very complex in these human made systems are founded on pillars of common sense.
If there are particular subjects you'd like to discuss in this workshop, let us know when you register.
About Sheldon
Sheldon's background is in pharmaceutical products at the country, regional and global levels. Specifically, he works in the field of vaccines and immunology.
Practical Information
When Wednesday, 9 October 2019 from 18h45-21h00
Where? Timesmore Boulevard St Michel 47, 1040 Brussels - Map
How much? A contribution of €15 to cover expenses including materials, drinks, snacks, etc.
Please share this event on social media!
Want to come?
Please reply to your invitation e-mail or follow this link to sign up for for this workshop.
- Andy W
- Jeffrey B
- Sheldon P
- Kathy B
- Valerie vK
- Tasso T
- Allisha A
- Siobhan A
- Jeroen W
- Ingrid K
- Fiona C
- Bess S
- Julie Anne G
- Frans N
- Andrea N
- Claire S *
- Miriam *
- Elena N *
- Ilse N **
- Dennis E **
- Camelia D **
- Andreea A
- Colette V **
- Dominique D **
- Filip R **
- John C **
- Richard K **
- Em G **
- Zlatimira **
* Registered on Facebook or Meetup
** Registered as "Interested" on Facebook which, in practice, means they probably won't come. But we appreciate their enthusiasm and support nonetheless.
Upcoming Events 2025
12 March 2025: workshop: Menopause at Work by Nina Noorali
26 March 2025: Workshop: Everyday Mindfulness by Laura Franceschin
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